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What is Field Service Management?

By zia | Mar 25, 2024 4:03:06 PM | 3 min read

The use of new technology in field service management activities has resulted in a significant shift in the current service experience. Consumers increasingly want increased efficiency and transparency, as well as more tailored, integrated services for which they are ready to pay a premium.

Field service management is the process by which a company manages its field resources as part of the service fulfilment process. In today’s market, which is very competitive, the key to good service is good field service management.

Modern consumers want to know who will come to their door and when, and they want the work done correctly. Customers no longer accept five-hour arrival periods for service providers or subpar performance. With attrition rates at an all-time high, firms are under extra pressure to provide excellent customer service. This is essential for maintaining and growing market share.

Why is Field Service Management important?

Field service has changed significantly in recent years. Innovative field service management systems have changed customer expectations and industry norms by increasing agility, resilience, and sustainability. Modern solutions have increased field service standards, making consumer preferences become consumer needs. 

Since Uber’s founding in 2009, ridesharing consumer expectations have altered. Calling a dispatcher, giving your position, and waiting for a driver to arrive seems old. In contrast to the transparent, customised, agile ride sharing experience, consumers demand the same from field service providers.

Key benefits of modern field service management solutions

Field service management solutions can use advanced technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to give more visibility into service operations and make service delivery more proactive and efficient.

Here’s how: 

  • Improve first-fix rates.

Innovative field service management technologies employ AI to find the top professionals in the region and ensure they have the correct materials. Completing field services on the first trip boosts energy and human resource efficiency. By sending out field service employees who are smarter and more data-driven, organisations can maximise productivity and income while controlling expenses.

  • Harmonise field service processes.

Integrating and harmonising front- and back-office processes allows for better collaboration and visibility, which is a key feature of the modern field service experience enjoyed by both service providers and their customers. 

  • Reduce environmental impact.

At the same time, sustainability goals can more easily be achieved by reducing the service-related carbon footprint. Better route planning, fewer return trips, and greater visibility into fuel management will all help to reduce environmental impact.

  • Maintain clients’ assets.

EAM solutions leverage field service management software for preventative maintenance by service providers. EAM software uses real-time data, the Internet of Things (IoT), and advanced analytics to predict, simulate, and improve the performance of assets.

Overcoming common challenges in field service management

Field service management gets challenging as service networks increase and new business models emerge. Field service operations require not just personnel, but also foreign terrain, traffic, and parts availability. Data-driven field service management is needed. When applied correctly, these remedies can help with typical field difficulties.

For example:   

  • Scheduling conflicts:

Technicians may be double-booked, scheduled at an inconvenient time, or scheduled at the wrong time because of human error and time-consuming manual processes.

  • Low first-time fix rates:

Technicians often have to schedule return visits because they miscommunicate about job tasks or don’t understand how much time or parts are needed. This makes customers unhappy and wastes resources.

  • Poor work order management:

Inefficient workflow, which usually happens because there isn’t a central database or integrated processes, leads to inefficient processes and a higher cost to serve.

  • Suboptimal route planning:

Technicians aren’t always good at finding the best way to get from point A to point B or getting around in places they aren’t familiar with. This can cause them to be late, waste gas, and wear out their vehicles more than they need to.

  • Communication lapses, both internally and with customers:

Missed messages and misunderstandings are common with text, email, and dispatch applications. Delays in field worker-central office information exchange might leave consumers in the dark.

  • Safety and liability risks:

Field service technicians operating in hazardous areas, as well as those who are just on the road day in and day out, face inherent hazards. Field service technicians must have confidence that their employers care about their well-being; else, they would look for work elsewhere.

  • Inability to manage performance:

The inability to view technicians’ on-the-job performance makes it impossible to supervise their work, measure their efficacy versus goals, and give necessary support.
